The true power of a Family Office is its ability to apply a disciplined approach and to invest with patient, long-term focused, capital - harnessing the power of long-term compounding.


About the Fund

Our objective is to generate long-term absolute returns through the construction of a diversified investment portfolio across Equities and Alternatives.

We employ a flexible approach and have the ability, both directly and through selected top tier third-party managers, to invest in a broad range of asset classes in order to achieve our goal.

Our ability to genuinely invest for the long-term (+5 years investment horizon), with patient capital, is a competitive advantage in an increasingly short-term focused world.


Investment Ethos


Our objective is to generate long-term absolute returns through the construction of a diversified investment portfolio across Equities and Alternatives.

We employ a flexible approach and have the ability, both directly and through selected top tier third-party managers, to invest in a broad range of asset classes in order to achieve our goal.

Our ability to genuinely invest for the long-term (+5 years investment horizon), with patient capital, is a competitive advantage in an increasingly short-term focused world.

An extension of our Family Office to your family


Strategic Pillars

Capital preservation mindset

The genesis of our business is a family office and as such our starting point is protecting client capital and grow intergenerational wealth. We focus on superior risk adjusted returns.

Global perspective

We have a global outlook and seek out the best of breed opportunities wherever they may be. We believe diversification of geography is critical.

Absolute returns

We are focused on generating absolute returns across market cycles and not chasing others.


We have a responsibility to ensure we're always mindful and caring of each other and our communities. C&D Capital and it's founders are active in a range of charities and community based support groups in Melbourne and throughout Australia.